Wrist Flexor Stretch to Help You Close the Clubface at Address
OK, the first exercise is to stretch the wrist flexors and I want to point out a few areas that tend to go wrong with this exercise. First of all when people do this wrist exercise they will tend to bring their shoulder around, shrug the shoulder over. We want to make sure that the shoulder stays stable and everything is plumb lined as we did before. So same as the golf swing, everything is working centrally, stabilizing centrally while we are doing a peripheral movement and just bringing the fingers back, making sure that we stretch all the way through, that there is no bending.
Other videos in the series Stretches to Increase Wrist Mobility with Ramsay McMaster
Wrist Stretch to Close the Clubface
The other mistake that people make is that they do the wrist extension in the four fingers but they never do the thumb. You can see that the thumb obviously has a big effect on the golf swing, we want to bring the thumb back. Now some people have smaller fingers, we can either bring them all back together or you can do the four fingers and then just do the thumb on its own.
Just make sure you are not over extending the thumb putting pressure through the joint. But the thumb really needs to be stretched out too. I would tend to stretch the thumb, hook it around and pull the finger back rather than pull on the finger itself. Pull on the base of the thumb so that you are actually stretching the flexor rather than pulling on the top of the thumb.