How to Warm Up for Your Golf Game (Without a Driving Range or Ball)

Updated January 20, 2022

How many times have you arrived at the course, when you were supposed to be there at 12 o'clock for a tee time, you were planning on being there at 11 or 11:15, take some warm up shots, get ready, but it is five to 12. The darn traffic, you had phone calls at the office or things to get done at home. Well what do you do in five minutes when you are walking out to the tee and you have to hit a tee shot right off the bat. I am going to show you the 90 second no ball warm up.

How to do the 90 Second no Ball Warm Up;

Which Club to Warm up With

Take your two heaviest clubs which are your wedges, sand wedge and pitching wedge, take these clubs and start with short swings so you work your small muscles, your arms and your hands.

  • Get the hands, tendons and ligaments loose in here.
  • Now notice the weight, the club has gone up in the air, see they are vertical, it is vertical here, it shows that I am not squeezing anything, I am letting it swing.
  • I have a weight out on the end here and I am letting it swing like a pendulum, back and through.

Then I go a little bit higher, shoulder height with my hands. Then over my shoulder. Now pick up the speed. There we go, a little more speed. Now you take your driver because if you had picked it up immediately to go out and hit you would find that it would feel heavy. Now it feels like it is so light it almost flies in the air. And you know why that is good? Because if something is heavy you are going to squeeze it tight to hold it.

If it is light then you are going to grip it lightly and lightly makes it go with speed. Tightness kills the speed. So now you have a way to grip it lightly. Second you pull your driver over your back and turn your shoulders back and through, stretching the upper part of the muscles in your back. Then tilt forward to the ball and do the same thing, back and through.


Footwork Warm Up

Watch my footwork, off my right to my left. Right side, left side. Then drop it below your back and raise it. Now I am really getting the upper shoulders in the back here. I let go and I feel like my arms are long and hanging which I want them to be, not up tight. Nice and relaxed, light and loose.

Take a couple of practice swings, go back behind the ball and say to your partner, how much are we playing for. Then you can go to the tee and your first swing of the day, even though you have not hit balls, will be pow down the middle like that. Because you have given yourself a chance by getting your body ready to play.