Golf Putting Trick for Reading Greens

Updated January 20, 2022
Golfer reads his putt
    Golfer reads his putt
    Getty Image license

The Golf Trick to Reading Greens

Boy that had a lot of break to it. students come and ask the same question all the time, I can not read greens. Sure you can. You just do not have a technique that can help fit the line and the speed together for you. Here is a technique that can help you.

Cup Drill for Reading the Entry Point of Greens

What I have here is three quarters of a cup. We want to use this in place of the cup so that we can really start to see that this ball can only go into the hole from one way. If we take a look at it from here this ring goes into the cup and the quarter of the ring that is missing is the entry point of where the ball can go into the hole. From where we were seeing it, if we looked at that putt, the only way that it could come into the hole from is from here. What I have basically done is I have changed the entry point to this area right here so I have given myself a visual reference that this is where the ball has to go in from. It is not going to go in from down here because gravity is pushing the ball away from the hole.


Change Your Field of Vision for Better Putting

Let's take a look and see how we do with something like this. Any type of thought process that can give you a different field of vision and a different vision can help you with your putting tremendously. How about that! Use these tools here to get a different visual picture in your mind about how that ball has to go into the hole. Whether it is six o'clock, five o'clock, four o'clock or something like this that gives you a representation of how that ball has to travel into the hole. When you can start to do that then you will start to make more of these breaking putts. Remember, 90 percent of the putts that you have on the golf course will have some type of break to them. These techniques will help you conquer those shots.