22 Golf Training Aids to Lower Your Scores in 2024

We checked out all sorts of gizmos and gadgets to find the very best golf training aids of 2024

, GolfLink Editor
Updated May 7, 2024
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The best golf training aids of 2024
    The best golf training aids of 2024
    Permission given by Amazon

No matter what area of your golf game you want to improve, there's a golf training designed to help you. You can spend just a few dollars to train a sound putting stroke, or spend hundreds to get a shock-like sensation delivered to your wrist the moment your swing breaks down. 

So, how do you know which training aids are gimmicks, and which are game-changers for your golf game? We're here to help. I spent a good chunk of time at the 2024 PGA Show, and a good amount of the last several years, testing, trying, and experimenting with all sorts of golf training aids, and I hand-selected these 22 training aids that I recommend to any golfer looking to improve.

Whether you're lookng to gain more club head speed and distance, built a more fundamentally sound golf swing, learn a better way to read greens, or anything in between, checking out this list of the best training aids of 2024 is your first step to better scores.



SuperSpeed overspeed training sticks
    SuperSpeed overspeed training sticks
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Swing speed

How does two less clubs into every green sound?

SuperSpeed is the original swing speed trainer, and in my estimation, is your easiest and most direct path to gaining significant distance. The set of three weighted speed training sticks includes access to over two years worth of speed training protocols.

The Level 1 Overspeed Training protocol is an easy way to gain about 20 yards of distance – I’ve personally done it and can confirm those results. And when I say it’s easy, it takes about 10-15 minutes per session, three times per week with at least one day of rest in between. I did mine during my lunch break a few days a week and saw those 20-yard gains.

I visited with the folks at SuperSpeed at the 2024 PGA Show. The best news that came from that conversation, and I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to mention this yet but here goes, is that SuperSpeed is releasing an app this year that will optimize your training and help you continually build on your distance gains even after you’ve snatched those first 20 yards.


PuttOUT Devil Ball

PuttOUT Devil Ball
    PuttOUT Devil Ball
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Putting (square face at impact)

Warning: the Devil Ball from PuttOUT may cause frustration. But if you play golf, you know how to handle frustration.

I love the Devil Ball because it gives you immediate feedback, and rather than trying to teach you technical positions, it simply forces you to return the putter square through impact. That’s really the only moment that matters. 

The Devil Ball is flat on one side, and it will only roll straight when you strike it with a square face. Leave the face open or closed, and the ball will shoot dramatically to the right or left.

The good news is, once you learn how to putt the Devil Ball straight, your putting stroke is sound. It’s as simple as that.



deWiz Golf Swing Trainer
    deWiz Golf Swing Trainer
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Full swing mechanics

Are you tired of changing your swing, but not actually improving it? While deWiz is a bit of an investment, it’s also highly capable of delivering results that stick.

Yes, deWiz is much more than a shock collar for your golf swing, it is partly a shock collar for your golf swing. I’ll elaborate.

When you make a swing wearing the deWiz – you wear it like a watch but it doesn’t tell time – it pairs with the app where it displays an animation of your swing and evaluates 14 different metrics. It measures things like hand speed, swing plane, and swing length. You can then set benchmarks within each metric, with the help of deWiz’s AI. If at any point during your swing, you don’t meet those benchmarks, you take the club too far over the top on the downswing, for example, you can set deWiz to deliver a mild (or medium) sensation to your wrist in real-time. This helps you identify the precise moment your swing goes off the rails, and improve it. 

Of course, you don’t have to use the shock collar (my words, not theirs) feature to benefit from deWiz. You can take advantage of the app and deWiz’s AI to improve without the shock.

I used deWiz at the 2024 PGA Show and I must say, seeing an animation of your swing, with a the breakdown of the good and the bad, was really exciting. I think it would be fun to train with deWiz to groove a whole new, and much more solid, golf swing.


The Stack System

The Stack System
    The Stack Speed Training System
    The Stack System
    Permission given by the Stack System

Trains: Speed, putting

SuperSpeed might be the OG swing speed trainer, but the Stack System is king of the space today. Not only does the Stack do speed training better than anyone else, but they also offer Stack Putting, which is a game-changer on the greens.

The Stack is a weighted overspeed training club with adjustable weights. The accompanying app basically tells you everything to do. It gives you precise instructions for every training session, including when to do your session, and how much to rest between sets, and every detail in between. The Stack uses AI and all the data from every Stack user, to deliver the most optimal training program to you at all times.

I spent about 25 minutes with Sasho Mackenzie, who created the Stack System, at the 2024 PGA Show, getting a first-hand demo of how it all works. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that I’m convinced the Stack System is easily the best speed training system available today. You’ll get big gains quickly, and continue to make progress with your speed and distance even after you’ve captured the low-hanging fruit.

Back to the putting aspect. This part of the app works similarly to the speed training element, in that it prescribes specific putts, tracks your results, and optimizes each session to get you working on the putts that make the biggest difference on your score. You don’t even need to be a speed training user to take advantage of Stack Putting, either.


WhyGolf Chipping Plate

Trains: Short Game

There are a lot of really good training aids out there for your full swing, and for putting, but not so much for those shots around the green that can have such a big influence on your score. The Chipping Plate from WhyGolf, however, is a great tool for your short game.

You’ve probably seen or heard of weight-shift boards (and if you haven’t, keep reading!) to help you learn the proper weight shift for your full swing. Similarly, the Chipping Plate forces you to keep your weight right where you want it for your short game shots, on your lead leg. Hitting shots with a premium focus on a fundamentally sound base will bring a new level of consistency to your all-important short game.


Impact Sling

Tour Striker Impact Sling
    Tour Striker Impact Sling
    Tour Striker
    Permission given by Tour Striker

Trains: Swing, speed, plane

I got a mini-lesson from Martin Chuck with the Impact Sling at the 2024 PGA Show, and it felt like a game-changer. In just a few short minutes using the Impact Sling, I experienced the feel of the proper way to load the club at the top, and a fundamentally sound takeaway.

On top of that, the Impact Sling, which builds on the old swinging-a-rope drill with a gripped handle and resistance bands, gives you a variety of strength and flexibility workouts on top of the drills prescribed to improve your golf swing. I consider that a win-win.

Power Shift Board

Power Shift Board golf swing trainer
    Power Shift Board golf swing trainer
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Swing foundation

I told you there was a version of a weight shift board coming up and this list, and here it is.

As I alluded to, many brands make a version of this Power Shift Board, but I like this one the best because it gives audible feedback during your swing to let you know when your weight has shifted to the front. The board makes a satisfying click sound when you get your weight to the front.

When I first tried this at the PGA Show, I was surprised (although I shouldn’t have been) at how late in my swing my weight was getting to my lead leg. My miss on full swings is fat, and this is exactly why. After re-calibrating for a couple of reps, I found the proper timing for my weight shift, a move that already feels like it will create much better ball-striking.


Perfect Hands

Perfect Hands Golf system

I gained 23 yards off the tee in 2 months of using Perfect Hands Golf

    Perfect Hands Golf Life-Tested results
    Nick Heidelberger

Perfect Hands is the perfect training aid. There’s a velcro belt, some clips, a glove, and a resistance band. On top of that, it promises the moon. Fix a slice, cure a hook, add more power. Longer, straighter shots.

The thing is, it works. In fact, Perfect Hands guarantees it, promising a minimum of 8-10 miles per hour of increased club head speed, plus better on-plane efficiency in 4-6 weeks when you follow the recommended training, which takes about five minutes a day. The rough conversion says that each mile per hour of club head speeds equates to the potential of three yards of distance, which means you can expect to gain 20-something yards in about a month of using Perfect Hands.

I actually put Perfect Hands Golf to the test, and I gained 23 yards off the tee in two months of sticking to the routine as best as I could, but not perfectly.

Once you get hooked into the Perfect Hands properly, the resistance bands guide your hands to the proper swing plane with a more connected swing. Taking advantage of those resistance bands, it comes with four “acceleration” bands, Perfect Hands is a unique form of overspeed training, which helps you gain speed and distance. 

If you want to go all-in on your distance gains, you can opt for Perfect Hands’ accelerated training program, or do the free recommended program.

Perfect Hands Golf Life-Tested results

Does Perfect Hands Golf Really Work? Here Are My Results

Me and My Golf True Grip Training Glove

Me and My Golf True Grip
    Me and My Golf True Grip
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Grip

Everybody learns the proper golf grip, and sooner or later, everybody forgets it. Seriously. I asked my friend, a PGA pro who gives golf lessons for a living, and he estimated that about 90% of his students show up to lessons with their grip out of whack.

So even if you don’t think you need this True Grip Training Glove from Me and My Golf, it’s probably only a matter of time before it will help your game. 

Using the proper grip is important because your grip influences your club face, which controls the direction of your shots. With very specific markings on the glove that guide you to the perfect grip, you’ll not only have a consistent grip, but a fundamentally sound one. And if you’re wondering, yes, it conforms to the Rules of Golf and you can use it during play.


Speed Toad

Trains: Speed

Yes, the Speed Toad has company in the overspeed training market. But it has one huge advantage that its competitors can’t offer: you train with your own shaft. Presumably, a shaft you were fit for, and perhaps the one that is better for your swing than any shaft on planet Earth.

Speed Toad creators Bryce Mooney and Sam Attanasio told me that using your own shaft helps you transfer the speed that you gain into your golf swing at a 1:1 ratio, whereas using a weighted club on a different shaft might not translate the same way.

You may also notice that the Speed Toad is one unit. That’s because Bryce and Sam realized that the heaviest-weighted club in overspeed training might not actually be effective at helping you swing faster. Meanwhile, the one that’s meant to mirror the weight of your driver can be replaced by your actual driver head.

The Speed Toad connects to your driver shaft – assuming you have a driver with a removable head – and fits all the major manufacturer’s adapters, just select your brand at checkout.

Perhaps the most fascinating part of Speed Toad is that after creating it, Mooney and Attanasio selfishly kept it to themselves rather than sell it. They spent a year training with it behind closed doors, climbing the World Long Drive rankings before deciding to bring it to market.

In fact, Attanasio recently snatched Kyle Berkshire's world record for ball speed, touching 241.7 mph. Not only is the hardware, the Speed Toad, that he used to become the ball speed world record holder available to everybody, but the training program he developed and used is as well. That's because the two recently released the Speed Toad app with the training program built in. Access to the program is included in the $124.99 price of the hardware.



Trains: Golf fitness, speed

GolfForever is more of a golf fitness program than a traditional training aid, but hey, anything that helps your golf game fits our criteria, and it won’t be the last non-traditional training aid to make this list.

GolfForever is the official golf fitness system of the PGA Tour, which should be all the proof you need that it’s all business when it comes to taking your golf fitness to the next level. I went through a 10-minute warm-up session with GolfForever, and was struck by how much it tested my balance the big muscles in my golf swing.

The entire system includes all the apparatus (training bar, resistance bands, grips, etc.), and expert instruction within the GolfForever app. Use it to gain flexibility, strength, club head speed, and strengthen your fundamentals.


SportsBox AI App

Screenshot of SportsBox AI
    Screenshot of SportsBox AI

Trains: Swing mechanics

If you want one of the most advanced training tools in golf, check out SportsBox AI. This AI swing trainer is really cool.

Film your swing using SportsBox and the app creates a 3D animation that not only includes specific measurements of how your body moves, but also feedback on whether those measurements are within your prescribed range. It’s a great tool for improving your swing, and checking in to make sure those improvements stick.

You can use SportsBox AI on your own, or if you’re working with a coach, you can use it with your coach to take your instruction to the next level.

Golfer looking at their swing on a phone using Sportsbox AI

Sportsbox AI Review: The AI Golf App for a Better Swing

Putting Mirror

Trains: Putting mechanics

In my opinion, every golfer should have a putting mirror. It’s a small and simple device that helps you solidify your putting fundamentals. Once you use your putting mirror to learn the ideal set up, simply check in with it once or twice a month to make sure you don’t fall into any bad habits. It’s an easy and affordable way to build some consistency into your putting routine.


Jeto Putt

Trains: Putting (center strike)

Here’s another simple, yet effective training aid for putting. Jeto Putt is a small device that attaches to your putter, straddling the sweet spot. Simply put it on and start hitting putts.

Jeto Putt forces you to hit the sweet spot every time. If you miss the center, the ball will shoot off severely to the side. Hit the sweet spot, and putts roll true.

I gave the Jeto Putt a try and can attest it gives valuable, instant feedback on every stroke.

SKLZ Golf Grip Trainer

SKLZ Golf Grip Trainer
    SKLZ Golf Grip Trainer
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Grip

The SKLZ Golf Grip Trainer is a quick and easy tool for perfecting your grip with any club in the bag. It attaches to the grip of your club and essentially makes it impossible to put a poor grip on the club. 

It’s small enough to conveniently fit in your golf bag, and easy enough to get on and off your club that you can give your grip a quick check-up before you practice or play. On top of that, its affordable enough that if you play for a couple bucks with your golf buddies, it will pay for itself pretty quickly. The only downside is that it’s only for right-handed players.


Tour Tempo App

Trains: Tempo

Tempo is one of the most underrated elements of the golf swing. Part of the reason for that is it’s a hard element to train. You could train with a traditional metronome (or metronome app) but I’ve tried it, and it’s a really clunky and confusing experience.

The Tour Tempo app is like a metronome for your golf swing, and for a one-time, $25 purchase, I can’t recommend it strongly enough. 

When you swing to the beat of the Tour Tempo app, you not only feel the proper 3:1 ratio of backswing to downswing, but you might even find that you gain some speed in your downswing (I did). You can speed up or slow down the speed of your swing in the app while maintaining the ideal 3:1 tempo, and the app also comes with a short-game mode with tones set to a 2:1 tempo.


WhyGolf Putting System

Trains: Putting (green-reading)

If you’re willing to put a little effort into your game, and you’re open to a new way to reading greens, I highly recommend trying WhyGolf’s Putting System.

First, you use the slope plate to learn to use your feet to judge how much slope is in your putt. When you show up to the course, use the small stimpmeter that’s included to gauge how fast the greens are rolling that day. Finally, use the green-reading card included to match the green speed with the break in your putt, and get the precise break, and your target, on every putt.

This is another training aid that’s perfectly legal to use under the Rules of Golf. And WhyGolf is so confident you’ll become a better putter that they offer a one-year money-back guarantee.



Trains: Swing mechanics

Lag is one of the most popular buzzwords in golf instruction, and if you want lag in your swing,you want the Lagmaster.

The Lagmaster attaches to your club and gives you feedback you can feel to teach you how to swing to optimize lag. The ball at the end of the Lagmaster should touch your shoulder at the top of the swing. When you keep the ball on your shoulder until your lead arm is parallel to the ground, you’ve got optimal lag, and you’ll get a lot more out of your swing than if you start the downswing by casting the arms, a common mistake by many recreational golfers.

By training with Lagmaster, you’ll engrain the ideal swing sequence and likely become a better ball-striker.



Trains: Weight transfer

BAL.ON was one of the coolest products I saw at the 2024 PGA Show. Slip the pressure soles into your shoes to get 18 data points on where exactly your weight is distributed, and when. Use the app to pair that data with video of your swing to get a virtual lesson on how to optimize the foundation of your swing.

I got a full demo from a representative with BAL.ON on his feet and the corresponding app on the iPad in his hands. It was cool to see in real-time how accurate the sensors pick up weight transfer, and how that corresponds to a successful golf swing.


Trains: Wrist

The ProSENDR doesn’t force you into any positions during the golf swing, but it gives you feedback you can feel when you get into the right positions. It trains you to use your wrists, hands and arms effectively throughout your golf swing, and also helps you with connectivity in your swing as well.

The unit itself is almost like a glove. You strap it to your wrist and during your takeaway, your goal is to make contact with the cradle behind your wrist, and maintain that contact. If you can do that, you’ve learned a better golf swing. 

Since the move isn’t forced – there’s no pressure pushing your wrists into the correct position – it’s learned, and it’s much more likely to stick.


PuttOUT Premium Pressure Putt Trainer

PuttOUT Premium Pressure Putt Trainer
    PuttOUT Puressure trainer
    Permission given by Amazon

Trains: Putting

The Pressure Putt Trainer from PuttOUT is becoming a bit of a legend in the putting training aid space, with PuttOUT announcing over 500,000 units sold. 

The trainer is essentially a target that you can put on any practice putting green, indoors or out. There is, of course, a standard 4.5-inch target, but beyond that there’s a pressure putt target. That secondary target is much smaller and it’s up a small ramp. To hit that target, you must make the putt dead-center and with perfect speed. By reducing the size of your target and narrowing your focus, you significantly increase your chances of putts dropping on the much larger, standard-sized holes out on the course.


GEM Golf Swing Trainer

Trains: Swing, plane

GEM stands for Golf’s Essential Move, and that’s exactly what the GEM Golf Swing Trainer aims to teach you.

The GEM Swing Trainer clamps to the bottom of your grip and has a rod with a weight at the end. When you train with the GEM Swing Trainer, that weight will help guide your swing into the correct positions, showing you exactly how a great swing should feel. 

The system actually comes with a few rods. The longest rod is used for the shortest swings, and as you use the shorter rods, you can lengthen your swing. 

This is a great unit for golfers interested in feeling in improved swing plane and release, which will lead to better ball-striking, and of course, lower scores.


Great Tools, Not Magic Bullets

No matter what aspect of your game you need to focus on, there’s a training aid geared towards helping you improve. To really reap the benefits of your work, commit to diligently practicing and building your skills until they’re second-nature. This will help keep that dreaded miss from creeping back into your game as soon as you put the training aid in the garage.