Need a Golf Beanie? Here Are the 7 Best

, GolfLink Senior Editor
Updated December 6, 2023
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The best golf beanies
    The best golf beanies

As golfers, our craving to feel crisp, pure contact and the pressure of a five-footer for par doesn't disappear when the warm weather does. We'd play year-round if we could, which is exactly why Florida has more golf courses than any other state. So when the rest of us non-Floridians catch a mild late-fall or winter day, we're tempted to bundle up and head to the course. And there's one non-negotiable accessory that every golfer who braves those chilly temps must own: a golf beanie.

Whether you want cuffed or cuffless; pom, no pom, or removable pom, there's a golf beanie for you. Here are our top seven golf beanie recommendations.


Nike Golf Cuffed Pom Beanie

Nike POM Golf Beanie
    Nike POM Golf Beanie

Nike might be long gone from the golf equipment game, but Nike apparel will never go out of style. This golf beanie is a perfect example. First of all, it's reversible, so you can choose whether to rock the "Nike Golf" side or the classic swoosh. The pom is also removable, giving you even more variety. Finally, it's cuffed, making it ideal all winter long.

Callaway Women's Golf Pom Beanie

Callaway women's golf pom beanie
    Callaway women's golf pom beanie

This cable-patterned beanie from Callaway is topped with a faux fur pom, giving it eye-cathching style on or off the course. Availabe in six styles, including cuffed and slouch options, it's easy to find one that fits your winter wardrobe.


adidas Cold.rdy Pom Beanie

adidas Cold.rdy Pom Beanie
    adidas Cold.rdy Pom Beanie

This golf pom beanie from adidas is the best of all worlds. The pom top and striped pattern give it a classic look, yet it's embroided with "GOLF" just in case anyone was wondering what's going on inside that cap.

Titleist Cable Knit Pom Hat (Men's & Women's Styles)

Titleist Cable Knit Pom Hat
    Titleist Cable Knit Pom Hat

If Titleist's classic logo in a traditional baseball style hat is the most popular hat in golf (anecdotally, it is), then this is the winter equivalent. That same classic Titleist logo accomapnies this classic cable knit Pom hat, available in men's and women's styles.

PUMA Evercat Logo Beanie

PUMA Evercat Logo Beanie
    PUMA Evercat Logo Beanie

We love this Puma beanie because it looks great, it's cuffed for extra warmth, and that price is pretty much unbeatable in this category. Choose from eight different styles, including four cuffed options and several that cost less than a dozen of the cheapest golf balls.


SwingJuice Golf Fore Knit Beanie

SwingJuice Golf Fore Knit Beanie
    SwingJuice Golf Fore Knit Beanie

There may not be a better blend of winter and golf themes in a hat than this lid from SwingJuice. The festive green with snow flakes and holiday trees meet golf balls and tees in a perfectly pixilated package.

Nike Statement Golf Beanie

Nike Statement Golf Beanie
    Nike Statement Golf Beanie

We bookend our list of the best golf beanies with lids from Nike. This one, however, is much different from the first. A subtle argyle pattern decorates the top while a simple Nike Golf crest is the only element to get space on the cuff. Any of the three color options are a great choice, and if you happen to need a warm hat for a Scotland or Ireland golf trip, you can't go wrong with this style.


Put a Lid on It

One of the underrated aspects of playing cold-weather golf is that we tend to take the expectations off our score, and enjoy the recreation aspect of golf more. Nothing can suck the enjoyment out of some quality cold-weather outdoor time than losing heat through your head. Bundle up with one of these golf beanies and you'll be good to go.